Board of Directors

Roger Kotila
Dr. Roger Kotila is a psychologist and peace activist. Receiving a Ph.D. from Washington State University in 1969, he has worked in community mental health, for the State of California, and in private practice. Dr. Kotila served his clinical internship on a Public Health Fellowship at the Palo Alto Veterans Administration Hospital in conjunction with Stanford University’s Dept. of Psychiatry. He has been a radio producer (Earthstar Radio, San Francisco), organized and worked with the homeless, and is an advocate/activist in the nonviolent protest movement for safe energy, human rights, and peaceful solutions. Roger is US Vice President of the World Constitution and Parliament Association whose mission is to build a parallel world body to the United Nations, an emerging Earth Federation with a Provisional World Parliament under the Earth Constitution.

Fritz Pointer
Fritz Pointer is Chair of the Department of English at Contra Costra College, San Pablo, California. He has taught African Studies and English at Merritt College in Oakland California, Golden Gate University in San Francisco, Humboldt State University in Arcata California, and Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. Author of “A Passion to Liberate: LA Guma’s South Africa-Images of District Six”, “African Oral Epic Poetry: Praising the Deeds of a Mythic Hero”, and “A Translation into English of the Epic of Kambili an African Mythic Hero: And an Explanation of the Relation of Oral Tradition to Written Text.”

Bob Hanson

Bob Neumann

Glen martin
Board Member
Glen T. Martin, Ph.D., is Professor of Philosophy at Radford University in Virginia, USA. He is the
founder and Chair Emeritus of the Program in Peace Studies at Radford University. He is President of
International Philosophers for Peace (IPPNO) and President of the World Constitution and Parliament
Association (WCPA), a worldwide organization that sponsors the Constitution for the Federation of
Earth. He has traveled and lectured worldwide on behalf of the Earth Constitution and the
philosophical foundations of emerging world law, as well as on behalf of WCPA projects such as
sessions of the Provisional World Parliament and the development of a World Court system.
Martin has long been a critic of the dominant world system of capitalism integrated within a
political organization of militarized sovereign nation-states and has articulated an alternative world
federalist vision of a world of peace with justice. He has received several international peace awards,
including the GUSI Peace Prize International in Manila, Philippines, 2013. He has published hundreds
of articles in popular as well as academic venues. He is author or editor of eleven books, including his
well-known book, Millennium Dawn: the Philosophy of Planetary Crisis and Human Liberation
(2005) and his latest book, Global Democracy and Human Self-Transcendence: The Power of the
Future for Planetary Transformation (2018). WCPA websites include and Martin’s blog can be found at

Fred Duperrault
Board Member
Fred co-founded the Action Coalition for Global Change and was its President from the mid to late 90’s. He also co-founded the Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition, which is still active. Currently, he is a Board Member of Citizens for a U.N. People’s Parliamentary Assembly, a Green Party activist, an anti-war activist in Veterans For Peace and Mountain View Voices for Peace, and has served as the Vice President of DWF. He and his wife Lois have been married since 1949 and have two daughters and two sons.
advisory board
Our advisory board consist of other leaders involved in the World Federalists Movement. They help us to stay updated on activities and events focused on world governance.

Shahr-Yar Sharei, PhD
Executive Director of the Center for United Nations Constitutional Research (CUNCUR) and professor in international law