Roger Kotila

President, Democratic World Federalists

Regarding the July 16th US-Russian Summit meeting, I have written President Trump to urge him to discuss with President Putin the idea of making this important meeting a first step to an even larger, expanded Summit:  A GLOBAL PEACE SUMMIT.

Talking to each other is far better than war.

I urged Trump to co-host with Mr. Putin such a future SUMMIT.  If designed properly, it could capture the imagination of a public which yearns for world peace and peace of mind from the danger of nuclear disaster.

Taking global peace seriously

Imagine the world community’s excitement over such a surprise GLOBAL PEACE SUMMIT that includes Donald Trump (USA), Vladimir Putin (Russia), Xi Jinping (China), Narendra Modi (India), Jean-Claude Junker (EU), and Antonio Guterres (United Nations Secretary General).

These leaders might meet for up to 30 consecutive days under the guidance of peace psychologists and other experts. This proposed SUMMIT would not be traditional diplomacy in its design which would likely not be effective, nor would traditional conflict resolution methods.

In my letter to Trump, I have noted that the call for a GLOBAL PEACE SUMMIT comes from a collaborative effort of Russian and American peace activists, as well as activists including from India, France, Argentina, Japan, Israel, Australia, and elsewhere.

Militarism is a dead end, world union the future

We would hope that Trump and Putin agree with world federalists who believe that militarism is a dead end, and who insist that only a world federal union can bring the world to safety.  This means a “new UN’ with a new world charter such as the Earth Constitution drafted by the World Constitution & Parliament Association.

Trump’s staff is referred to “THE GREAT PEACE CHARTER: A Manifesto and Roadmap of Global Peacebuilding in the 21st Century” created by Global Harmony Association (Russian & India-based) as a joint effort of world civil society consisting of 72 peacemaking leaders from 27 countries.

Reducing tensions a top priority

We can see that leading anti-war activists support reducing tensions between Russia and the U.S.  Below excerpts from a recent (1) Open Letter from RootsAction published in Reader Supported News (7-13-18):

Activists and writers including Noam Chomsky, Katrina vanden Heuvel, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Alice Walker, and Daniel Ellsberg have signed the Open Letter — to call for secure elections in the United States and steps to ease tensions between the United States and Russia in order to prevent a catastrophic conflict between the nuclear superpowers…

…At the same time, the U.S. and Russian governments show numerous signs of being on a collision course. Diplomacy has given way to hostility and reciprocal consular expulsions, along with dozens of near-miss military encounters in Syria and in skies above Europe. Both sides are plunging ahead with major new weapons development programs. In contrast to prior eras, there is now an alarming lack of standard procedures to keep the armed forces of both countries in sufficient communication to prevent an escalation that could lead to conventional or even nuclear attack. These tensions are festering between two nations with large quantities of nuclear weapons on virtual hair-trigger alert; yet the current partisan fixations in Washington are ignoring the dangers to global stability and, ultimately, human survival.”

Reducing tensions a top priority

We can see that leading anti-war activists support reducing tensions between Russia and the U.S.  Below excerpts from a recent (1) Open Letter from RootsAction published in Reader Supported News (7-13-18):

Activists and writers including Noam Chomsky, Katrina Vanden Heuvel, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Alice Walker, and Daniel Ellsberg have signed the Open Letter — to call for secure elections in the United States and steps to ease tensions between the United States and Russia in order to prevent a catastrophic conflict between the nuclear superpowers…

…At the same time, the U.S. and Russian governments show numerous signs of being on a collision course. Diplomacy has given way to hostility and reciprocal consular expulsions, along with dozens of near-miss military encounters in Syria and in skies above Europe. Both sides are plunging ahead with major new weapons development programs. In contrast to prior eras, there is now an alarming lack of standard procedures to keep the armed forces of both countries insufficient communication to prevent an escalation that could lead to conventional or even nuclear attack. These tensions are festering between two nations with large quantities of nuclear weapons on virtual hair-trigger alert; yet the current partisan fixations in Washington are ignoring the dangers to global stability and, ultimately, human survival.”

The world federalist vision

A global peace summit’s main goal, in addition to taking the nuke’s off hair-trigger, should be to set the stage for forming a world federal union government — a “new UN” which will be needed in order to end war and eliminate weapons of mass destruction. That’s why the Earth Constitution is so important.  It can serve as a governing model and potential replacement for the fatally flawed UN Charter.

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Earth Federation News & Views

Roger Kotila, Ph.D. is a psychologist and peace activist.  He is a Vice President of the World Constitution & Parliament Association, President of Democratic World Federalists, San Francisco, and editor of Earth Federation News & Views

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