Religious fanatics, lawless world ruled by Bully nations

Bat Shit Insane Religious Fanaticism Is A Requirement for US Empire Managers

Caitlin Johnstone

Israel & U.S. brazenly become Nazi Germany all over again

The U.S. Establishment’s Intense Commitment to Exterminating Palestinians

Eric Zuesse       The Duran

Think tanks fueling endless war

Think Tanks or Stink Tanks?

Roger Kotila    Earth Federation News & Views

See who’s funding the think tanks cheerleading for more war funding

Quincy Institute

Billionaires betting big on nuclear–at what cost?

NUCLEAR IS NOT THE SOLUTION: The Folly of Atomic Power in the Age of Climate Change

M.V. Romana, London

Are you ready for drone-vulnerable nuclear plants?

Memo to Trump: Address the new threat of drone-vulnerable nuclear reactors

Henry Sokolski     Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

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