Our goal
The goals of world federalists are the abolition of war, the preservation of a livable and healthful global environment, and the promotion of a just world community through the development of enforceable world law. Achievement of that goal requires the establishment of a democratic federal world government with powers adequate to keep the peace, prevent environmental degradation and depletion of resources essential to human life, protect individual human rights, and assist in the promotion of a just world community.
In such a federation, international conflicts would be resolved by political and judicial means rather than by violence, while national governments would continue to manage their own affairs. World-level crimes would be defined by statute, and persons who broke those laws would be tried and punished by world criminal courts.
Purposes and Objectives
A.To promote an understanding of the principles that
Common Humanity
The people of the world, as interconnected members of a common humanity, must recognize that the well-being and safety of anyone should be of concern to everyone.

Global Problems & Benefits
The people are confronted by global problems, such as war and civil conflict, crimes against humanity and anarchy, large-scale poverty and disease, and degradation of the environment. These can be dealt with, and peace and the well-being of the people promoted, through enforceable world laws.

Sovereignty & Citizenship
The people, as sovereign citizens, are inherently endowed with the authority and the duty to govern themselves, either directly or through elected representatives, on all levels of society and ultimately the world. As citizens, they should respect the rule of law, which their civic participation creates and legitimizes.

Good Government
The government of all political units must be open, democratic, and accountable to the people and have effective legislative, executive, and judicial branches, with checks and balances.

Planet Earth, with unity in its diversity, requires a democratic, federal system of government, where problems from local to global are dealt with by governments at the appropriate level.

A world constitution with a declaration of rights should be promoted by any means possible, e.g., restructuring and democratizing the United Nations, federating a number of regional unions, expanding a community of democracies, or building a new set of institutions of government through a world convention.
B. To develop an organization/movement without borders and spread its message throughout the world via contacts with other civil-society organizations, educational institutions, the media, lawmakers, and the general public.
Our 6-Point Action Program

Publication of DWF News, which goes to readers throughout the United States and several other countries

Informing the public about the movement for global government through our website — www.dwfed.org

Keeping our Supporters up-to-date on news about governing the world and related U.S. foreign policy via e-mail and social media


Helping other activist organizations to understand and adopt concepts of world federalism through our Solutions to Global Problems Outreach Program

Sponsoring and co-sponsoring events and cooperating with like-minded organizations in spreading awareness of the benefits of democratic federations
By becoming a member you receive special benefits and help the organization maintain long-term sustainablity
You can donate in several ways; funds, investments, donating/loaning office space, auction-off items, sponsoring events, and business services
As a non-profit we always need a helping hand, if you can provide us with assistance in anyway contact our administrative director
DWFed has always partnered with other organizations committed to our mission to create a better world, please contact us
Become A world Federalists
Being a world federalist means being a part of the movement. You can help the movement in many ways: becoming a member, contributing donations, volunteering at events and meetings, and partnering your business or organization with the Democratic World Federalists organization.
DWF News