A World Federalist’s Perspective

Etienne Bowie

As world federalists, we find it important to focus on the effects and factors of political officials foreign policy doctrine because as a world power (or empire) the United States’ role in global political affairs leaves a mark on the world and history. The world changes depending on the ideas of a small group of people in a room no bigger than a living room. Decisions are not made on television and nor do the people running for all the open offices around the USA seem to not be interested in expressing their foreign policy ideas with the people.

This is how we got Afganistan which led to 9/11 then got us into Iraq which set a precedent for Libya and then Syria. The US people must begin to ask their leaders difficult questions about war and the things that lead to war. Failed trade policies and treaties without the teeth to restrain our own global corporations.

I have some homework for all you. The Mount Diablo Peace and Justice Center have put together this 2020 Presidential Election Guide focused on foreign policy. What they did here is commendable and we honestly need to see more work like this form other peace and justice organization around the world. I see this as an educational tool for the public.

It’s important for us to focus on the views of politicians and not just their rhetoric (what they say). We, the critics and advocates of power, are also leaders but of a different form. If we are to do our duties then we are required to speak up and provide educational content which will help people make the best decision when selecting their leaders. It is not enough to just scream about the abuses of power and government but to stand up and focus your energies on solving the problems before us, and creating tools just like the foreign policy guide is a perfect example of that.

What is World Federalism?

World Federal Government (WFG)

Original Publisher

Mount Diablo Peace and Justice Center

The Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center was founded in 1969 by Andy Baltzo and Arne Westerback. It was first housed in a tiny residence on Sharpe Avenue in Walnut Creek, simply known as the “Peace Center.” Initially started for the purpose of counseling draft resisters in the escalating war in Indochina, the Center quickly developed into a focal point in the community where East Bay residents found a voice against the war. Programs included counseling on avoiding the draft, venues for educational programs and forums/lectures concentrating on the goal of ending the war.

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