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LIST for DWF NEWS 3/19/25

Zionist Infiltration? How Israel controls U.S politics The Zionists Within Patrick Lawrence   Consortium News   Trump's thought police...

World News

Econ & Fin




News Analysis

Foreign affairs


Current news

World Federalism

LIST of Articles for DWF NEWS 3/5/25

America & Israel Gone Bad: A Global Crime Syndicate?  The Geopolitics of Peace  Jeffrey Sachs        Consortium News   Coups, Killings, Mind Control & Torture: CIA's Global Criminal Empire Exposed Ilya Tsukanov   Sputnik International Who are the real...

LIST of Articles for DWF NEWS 2/19/25

U.S. a kakistocracy? Rulers reject law & order for a kleptocracy. The Mafia State Exposed Chris Hedges       ScheerPost    U.S. used ISIS terrorists to overthrow al-Assad's Syrian government Fear and Loathing in the "New" Syria Daniel...

LIST of Articles DWF NEWS 2/5/25

'Conspiracy Theory' Is Now Fact: Greater Israel Has Arrived Kit Klarenberg      MintPress News Spies in your newsroom: Israeli influence exposed Jerusalem Post Targets MintPress After Expose' on Israeli Spies in US Media Alan MacLeod       MintPress Being Jewish after...


Brazilian Amazon Deforestation Increased by 100%

Brazilian Amazon Deforestation Increased by 100%

Deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon jumped to the highest level for the month of November since record-keeping began in 2015, according to preliminary government data published on Friday. Destruction of the world’s largest tropical rainforest totaled 563 square km (217.38 square miles) in November, 103% more than in the same month last year, according to the country’s space research agency . . .

Doha Forum + 75th UN anniversary

A World Federalist's PerspectiveEtienne BowieAs world federalists, we must ask ourselves should the world be left to the control of the Chinese or, I would say the United States but the reality is that the neoliberal economic philosophy has led the western world to be...
Pope Puts Forth Ecological Sin

Pope Puts Forth Ecological Sin

Pope Francis on Friday issued a warning against the rise of fascist forces worldwide that remind him of the Nazis of the 20th Century as he also railed against corporate crimes and announced consideration of adding “sins against ecology” to the church’s official teachings. During a speech at the Vatican before the 20th World Congress of the International Association of Penal Law, a network of justice system and . . .

Iran Nuclear Accord: The Third Act is Now Starting

The first act of the Iran Nuclear Accord took eight years. The backdrop kept changing from Geneva to Vienna but the actors were nearly all the same. Except for the representative of the European Union it was an all male, middle-age cast with little comic relief, at least on stage. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, to give the play its formal name was signed in 2015 with polite applause and some anticipation of what the next acts might hold…

UN 2020: Two Steps Forward…

Despite the polarization and stasis that characterizes so much of the present politics at the United Nations, Secretary-General António Guterres is betting that the 75th anniversary of the organization in 2020 will provide an opportunity for the international community to begin to address the “crisis in multilateralism,” and shape a more robust and effective organization…

Sex Trafficking: A Form of Modern-Day Slavery

All forms of modern-day slavery affect an estimated 40 million or more people worldwide – mostly women and young girls, ongoing in scores of countries, including America and other Western nations. Human trafficking and forced labor in the US exists mainly in the following forms: prostitution, pornography, and related sex services, domestic indentured servitude, agricultural slavery, industrial sweatshops…

The Anti-Mafia Seminar: A Success and a Starting Point

we had the participation of the President of the Republic, the President of the Supreme Court, the ministers of Justice and Human Rights, of Security and of Foreign affairs, the director of the Anticorruption Office and uncountable procurators, MPs, senators and Executive power officials. On the international side, the director and general prosecutor of the famous Direzione Nazionale Antimafia and four of its main prosecutors, one ICC judge (Aitala), four Italian senators and the former minister of Security of Brazil…



Grim History

Historically, we can make fundamental social/political changes! For forty historic centuries we have mainly had kings, nobility, slaves and thousands of wars . . .

To Quote a Kid – Part II

DWFED board member Bob Neumann shares his thoughts, through poetry, on young climate activist, Greta Thunberg. He looks at the words that she delivered to the United Nations, and tell us how it is important in understanding the current situation with global policy and international law. Check it out . . .

The “Skinny” on World Gov-ee-ment

A World Federalist's PerspectiveEtienne BowieAs world federalists, we find it important to focus on the effects and factors of political officials foreign policy doctrine because as a world power (or empire) the United States' role in global political affairs leaves a...

Another Climate Woe

Gee, I thought the solutions for climate change may be about to happen! We are really becoming aware of the problem world-wide. The climate scientists and climate freaks are finally being heard and many politicians are ready to take action. It has only taken forty or fifty years of talk and pleading by experts . . .

The “Real”

Another beautiful poem by one of the Democratic World Federalists long-time members, Robert “Bob” Neumann. Man of few words, who learned to listen rather than talk. “The ‘Real'” is his critique of an ever-changing world while the human mind seems not to change too much with the times. We still get caught in the same arguments that we had in the past. When will we ever learn something new? Check it out!

A Future War Toy

A poem by Robert (Bob) Neumann, the secretary of the Democratic World Federalists organization. If you have been paying attention you will notice that we have been publishing his works. Why? Because we find it important to promote the ideas of world federalism beyond political, economic, and philosophical analysis. DWFED believes deeply in sharing our ideas in a number of ways…

“Oh Daniel, oh Daniel, it’s not alright,” the world is not “alright”

Every time I say goodbye to Daniel, our 2-year-old grandson, he says to me, “Alright now Grandpa. See you next time.” And, I return to my office and think, ‘Oh Daniel, oh Daniel, it’s not “alright” the world is not “alright” it is not well-arranged. For example, 122 nations want to eliminate all nuclear weapons, but the UN’s Permanent 5 – and its residue insist on keeping theirs…

Foreign Affairs

The Two-Headed Hydra of Racism and Imperialism

Black Lives Matter (BLM) has raised mass consciousness against the institution of police violence and the brutality it inflicts on Black communities around the country. The movement has placed the question of police brutality at the top of the political and juridical reform agenda . . .

Global Citizenship

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has taken a lead in Education for Global Citizenship, starting in 2013 with the UNESCO Forum of Global Citizenship Education. Global Citizenship refers to a sense of belonging to the broader community of . . .

The New World Disorder

Many will find in this pandemic an opportunity to close themselves off to the international community. India must defy such impulses. If anything, Indian leadership in these times — and a new resolve for global governance — may be just the vaccine that the international community needs to navigate a new decade . . .

What is COVID-19 Trying to Teach Us?

Some people see the world as an infinite number of prize fights, each with one winner and one loser. For them life is an unending series of these zero-sum games. Unfortunately, one of these people is the President of the United States. One example of something that is not a zero-sum game is a global pandemic. Someone else’s sickness is for me not a gain but a threat . . .

Solving Global Problems

We can work together to make the world better

Economics and Finance

A Universal Basic Income is Essential and Will Work

According to an April 6 article on, Spain is slated to become the first country in Europe to introduce a universal basic income (UBI) on a long-term basis. Spain’s Minister for Economic Affairs has announced plans to roll out a UBI “as soon as possible,” with the goal of providing a nationwide basic wage that supports citizens “forever.” . . .

Only a Green New Deal can douse the fires of Eco-Fascism

ORGANIZERS ARE EXPECTING huge numbers to turn out for the Global Climate Strike, beginning on September 20 and continuing through September 27. It builds on the first global climate strike, which took place on March 15 and attracted an estimated 1.6 million young people, who walked out of class at schools on every continent. But this week’s strike will be different. This time, young organizers have . . .

Neoliberalism Has Met Its Match in China

When the Federal Reserve cut interest rates on July 31st for the first time in more than a decade, commentators were asking why. According to official data, the economy was rebounding, unemployment was below 4%, and GDP growth was above 3%. If anything, by the Fed’s own reasoning, it should have been raising rates. . .


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China’s Notions of UN Reform: Filling the Growing Vacuum Left by the US

China has presented its position on United Nations reform, and it aligns with Secretary-General António Guterres’s own agenda. It pushes for practicalities, such as a transparent process, a stronger peace and security pillar, streamlined internal management and more geographic diversity in hiring practices in peacekeeping and the UN Secretariat…

Grim History

Historically, we can make fundamental social/political changes! For forty historic centuries we have mainly had kings, nobility, slaves and thousands of wars . . .

Get the Point: Nuremberg and Media

Who knew? I certainly didn’t know that journalists were among those prosecuted for War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity during the Nuremberg Trials post-WWII. It intrigued me even further to read that my namesake, Fritzsche (nickname, Fritz) that is, Hans Fritzsche was one of those defendants. The Nuremberg prosecution argued: “By virtue of . . .

Exploding Nuclear Budget

This process will likely take most of the year, and in some years a stalemate has resulted in a “continuing resolution” to fund the government. Expeditiously passing a budget during an election year – particularly one in which the President has been impeached – may prove difficult. This also means that the budget request can be altered substantially by Congress before it goes to the President to sign it into law . . .

Ukraine, Russia, and the USA

As a result of the collapse of the USSR in 1991, 15 independent states were formed. Having freed itself from communism, with powerful industrial and agricultural sectors of the economy, a favorable climate and fertile land, Ukraine could become one of the most prosperous European countries. However, this did not happen, and the state slipped into an economic crisis and for six years now . . .

Dangerous Charges in Brazil Threaten Journalists

Federal prosecutors in Brazil on Tuesday charged the American journalist Glenn Greenwald with cybercrimes for his role in bringing to light cellphone messages that have embarrassed prosecutors and tarnished the image of an anti-corruption task force. In a criminal complaint made public on Tuesday, prosecutors in the capital, Brasília, accused Mr. Greenwald of being part of a “criminal organization” that hacked into . . .

“Bloody Nose” Operation

America’s hegemonic military agenda in the Middle East has reached a dangerous threshold. The assassination of IRGC General Soleimani ordered by the President of the United States on January 3, 2020, is tantamount to an Act of War against Iran. President Donald Trump accused Soleimani of “plotting imminent and sinister attacks”: “We took action last night to stop a war. We did not take action to start a war…. we caught him in the act and terminated him” . . .

current news

List of Articles DWF NEWS 1/6/25

Israel's world crimes: Nobody has any right to claim they "do not know" Helena Cobban Mass Murder or Misguided Policy? Congress Faces Legal Heat Why Congress Members Face a Lawsuit for Funding Israel's War on Gaza Norman Solomon        CounterPunch The ugly face of...

Special Report for DWF News 12/29/2024

Disarmagedddon: Do We Have A Choice? Special Report "Editor: As a psychologist I realize that all religions have certain texts declared to be "sacred." This means one cannot question the directives or prophecies in these texts. Yet when scripture seems to lead to...

A World Without Trade Deficits

John Maynard Keynes needs no introduction as the most important economist of the 20th century. His theories have shaped modern economics like few others. However, his vision for the international trade system, or bancor for short, has been mostly forgotten. As with anything even remotely Keynesian, the idea of bancor had a mini-resurgence in the wake of the 2009 crisis. George Monbiot wrote an article regarding bancor in the Guardian and the governor of the Bank of China, Zhou Xiaochuan, praised the idea in a speech. But this buzz has since died down. Bancor is a radical rethinking of international trade…

Articles for This Issue: DWF NEWS July 6, 2023

'Why Are We Tempting Nuclear Annihilation?' Max Blumenthal to UN Security Council Max Blumenthal   EU Parliament Pushes for Probe with ICC into Israeli War Crimes News Desk, the Cradle   Mainstream Media Colludes with US Government to...

LIST of Articles for DWF NEWS 10/31/24

Here's how Israel owns the U.S. Congress How Does AIPAC Shape Washington? We Tracked Every Dollar. Akela Lacy       The Intercept Generating consent for genocide: The BBC's complicity in Israel's crimes in Palestine and Lebanon Sharaiz Chaudhry    Mondoweiss Can the...

LIST of Articles for DWF NEWS 10/17/24

Nazi Germany Used Gas Ovens, Zionist Israel Uses Starvation and Bombing Roger Kotila, PhD      DWF NEWS Extermination Works. At First. Chris Hedges       SheerPost 'Intolerable': Global Outrage as Israeli Forces Fire on UN Peacekeepers in Lebanon Jake...


The UN Won't Protect Gaza, But Can Adopt a 'Pact for the Future'? Pepe Escobar  NATO Expansion is a Blunder of Epic Proportions Chaitanya Dave'       Global Research American nonprofits that support Israel's world crimes Philanthropic...

Articles for DWF NEWS 9/19/24

Crisis Intervention: Global Psychotherapy Peace Summit for World Leaders  Roger Kotila, PhD      DWF NEWS Pray for peace, as the madmen of the West are about to plunge the world into a mass-death scenario that will catch Americans completely by surprise Leo...


Can Two Fingers Tell the Truth?

In many countries around the world – still more than 20 as of late 2018 – the state of a woman’s vagina is given more importance than her words. Virginity testing is, indeed, still common practice in these countries and affects two main categories of women: the survivor of rape wishing to get justice…

Evolution Toward World Unity

Pierrre Teihard de Chardin, the French paleontologist, whose birth anniversary we mark on 1 May, after a lifetime of study of the evolution of the human species concluded that humanity was entering a new age with a higher, peaceful and more responsible sense of the unity of the world . . .

A Universal Basic Income is Essential and Will Work

According to an April 6 article on, Spain is slated to become the first country in Europe to introduce a universal basic income (UBI) on a long-term basis. Spain’s Minister for Economic Affairs has announced plans to roll out a UBI “as soon as possible,” with the goal of providing a nationwide basic wage that supports citizens “forever.” . . .

Honoring WWII Vets with WWIII on the Horizon

One would assume that in times of major upheavals all of us realize how fragile this beautiful planet Earth and its entire living species are. The number of the threats to our survival is constantly growing with the recent addition of COVID-19 to an already weighty list that included nuclear security, international terrorism, climate change, and even asteroid strike, to name just a few . . .

News Analysis

LIST for DWF NEWS 3/19/25

Zionist Infiltration? How Israel controls U.S politics The Zionists Within Patrick Lawrence   Consortium News   Trump's thought police desperate to silence student protesters Trump's War on Education (Thinking) Chris Hedges      ScheerPost   Is Israel using...

LIST of Articles for DWF NEWS 3/5/25

America & Israel Gone Bad: A Global Crime Syndicate?  The Geopolitics of Peace  Jeffrey Sachs        Consortium News   Coups, Killings, Mind Control & Torture: CIA's Global Criminal Empire Exposed Ilya Tsukanov   Sputnik International Who are the real...

LIST of Articles for DWF NEWS 2/19/25

U.S. a kakistocracy? Rulers reject law & order for a kleptocracy. The Mafia State Exposed Chris Hedges       ScheerPost    U.S. used ISIS terrorists to overthrow al-Assad's Syrian government Fear and Loathing in the "New" Syria Daniel...

LIST of Articles DWF NEWS 2/5/25

'Conspiracy Theory' Is Now Fact: Greater Israel Has Arrived Kit Klarenberg      MintPress News Spies in your newsroom: Israeli influence exposed Jerusalem Post Targets MintPress After Expose' on Israeli Spies in US Media Alan MacLeod       MintPress Being Jewish after...

LIST of Articles for DWF NEWS 1/22/25

Religious fanatics, lawless world ruled by Bully nations Bat Shit Insane Religious Fanaticism Is A Requirement for US Empire Managers Caitlin Johnstone Israel & U.S. brazenly become Nazi Germany all over again The U.S. Establishment's Intense Commitment to...

List of Articles DWF NEWS 1/6/25

Israel's world crimes: Nobody has any right to claim they "do not know" Helena Cobban Mass Murder or Misguided Policy? Congress Faces Legal Heat Why Congress Members Face a Lawsuit for Funding Israel's War on Gaza Norman Solomon        CounterPunch The ugly face of...


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World Federalism

The San Francisco Promise – Resolution

The San Francisco Promise (SF Promise) is essentially the core project of the Democratic World Federalists organization (DWFED). The project encapsulates our mission to create a peaceful, just, and sustainable world. The common question people ask us is, how do you accomplish such a goal? World Federalists believe the answer to creating such a world requires a democratic global governance system…

COVID-19 and Circuits of Capital

COVID-19 and Circuits of Capital

COVID-19, the illness caused by coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the second severe acute respiratory syndrome virus since 2002, is now officially a pandemic. As of late March, whole cities are sheltered in place and, one by one, hospitals are lighting up in medical gridlock brought about by surges in . . .

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