Written By Bob Neumann

Secretary | Democratic World Federalists

November 15, 2019

There have been 348 wars since 1946 — 348 wars. (1) The United Nations and the 193 nations that make up 

the UN, are a failure at stopping such warring. Can you name one almost war they prevented? Do we just go on warring like under kings and emperors, 

like we are still savages? Dumb? Unchanging? Mutual assured destruction — called M.A.D. for short — 

has staved off nuclear war for 74 years. Nine nations now have nukes! How many tomorrow? We must end wars, they are becoming too dangerous. We must learn to peacefully resolve ALL conflicts! A powerful world government with enforceable world laws — outlawing war — could slowly end warring! 

Conflicts over climate change will intensify — the warming 

signs we sorta ignored for thirty or more years. We can only prevent the worst by making changes now! Sadly, we have hardly started. 

Warring and the coming warming demand an elected 

world gov’ee’ment with the powers to make enforceable

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DWF News

Bob Neumann has been fascinated by world government for close to 50 years and an active member of the World Federalist movement since the 1970’s. Although he left it unpublished, Mr. Neumann completed an original book of poetry on arguments centered on the need for World Government. He completed his B.A., M.A., and graduate work in the fields of History and Political Science. He taught as a secondary school teacher for 22 years and became a General Contractor in his 50’s. In 1992 both he and his wife retired and set out on a grand ten-year world adventure on their 47-foot sailboat. After his travels, Mr. Neumann returned to California in 2002 to resume contracting work and D.W.F. activities.

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