A World Federalist’s Perspective

Etienne Bowie

The San Francisco Promise (SF Promise) is essentially the core project of the Democratic World Federalists organization (DWFED). The project encapsulates our mission to create a peaceful, just, and sustainable world. The common question people ask us is, how do you accomplish such a goal? World Federalists believe the answer to creating such a world requires a democratic global governance system. We do not believe in a “one world government” or authoritarian force—which many will try to claim. We world federalist or neo-federalist philosophy is the only ideology which can oppose the threats toward liberal and free world order.
After World War II, a foundation was set to build up relations between nations. This was all in the hope to unify humanity and allow for peace. The original world leaders who had created the United Nations, NATO, and global economic system didn’t live to see their project come to full fruition. What was once supposed to lead up to a world governing system, led to a world of superpowers driven to divide the world to capture market share and natural resources.

Therefore, this project was named the SF Promise, because, in 1945, the United Nations was officially established in San Francisco, California. United Nations representatives were expected to meet again in 1955 to review the charter of the United Nations, but that never happened. The Cold War and nuclear weapons had come to a point where the world had become dominated by two powers. The focus of foreign policy was directed on the capitalist-and-communist ideological war. Today, the neoliberal and authoritarian politicos have no power over the minds of the people, and this partly because of the internet. Now is the time to educate the people and let them know that there are alternatives to the current inter-national system.
We, the DWFED, present to you the San Francisco Promise San Francisco City Resolution. We plan to go from city to city to have the resolution passed until every major city has had their chance to review our resolution.

We will keep you updated, stay tuned…

Written By Roger Kotila, Ph.D., Fritz Pointer, Robert Hanson, Ph.D., Bob Neumann, Glen Martin, Ph.D., Fred Duperrault, Etienne Bowie

Board of Directors & Executive Committee | Democratic World Federalists

August 1, 2019

San Francisco Board of Supervisors
 Appeal for United Nations Charter Review 
Whereas an out of control nuclear arms race threatens the world including our beloved San Francisco, and the policy of nuclear deterrence can no longer be trusted;
Whereas in our own neighborhood the Livermore Laboratory is an active part of the Pentagon’s aggressive nuclear weapons Life Extinction Program;
Whereas perpetual wars, future superweapons, and climate change also threaten the very existence of human life on this planet;    
Whereas the United Nations, although it has done much good,  has been frustrated in its ability to adequately deal with these dangers due to known, critical flaws in the design of the UN’s Charter;
Whereas the public is largely unaware that there is a potentially viable solution to these crises;
Whereas the UN has failed to review the Charter despite a legal requirement and promise to do so when the Charter was originally adopted in San Francisco in 1945, and despite the obvious urgency to identify the flaws in the Charter so that they can be fixed;   
Whereas  the UN Charter under Article 109-3 legally promises a charter review conference, yet this has not yet happened in 75 years; 
THEREFORE, in honor of the UN’s 75th anniversary in 2020, we call for the UN General Assembly to UPHOLD THE SAN FRANCISCO PROMISE by co-sponsoring with the City and County of San Francisco and our partner NGO’s a  Preparatory UN Charter Review Summit to be held in San Francisco.


1.  San Francisco Board of Supervisors
2. Democratic World Federalists, San Francisco (Initiator)
3. Center for UN Constitutional Research, Brussels
4. World Constitution & Parliament Association, Radford, VA
5. Campaign for UN Parliamentary Assembly (Germany, Europe)
6. Citizens’ Watch by Tri-Valley Cares (Livermore, CA)
7.  to be announced…

OUR RESOLUTION’s explanatory notes to the SF Board of Supervisors (if needed):

This Resolution originates from Democratic World Federalists (DWF)* based in San Francisco, in consultation with the Center for United Nations Constitutional Research (CUNCR) in Brussels, and the World Constitution & Parliament Association (WCPA), Radford, VA.

DEMOCRATIC WORLD FEDERALISTS is a UN NGO.  DWF is a primarily volunteer nonprofit, nonpartisan educational and think tank organization.  Our history goes back to 1983 as part of the World Federalist Association.  In 2004 we became independent as Democratic World Federalists.  We helped sponsor the SF Hearings of the U.S. Commission on Improving the Effectiveness of the United Nations (1993), and the World Congress of the World Federalist Movement (1995).  Over the years we have sponsored talks on various topics related to world peace, human rights, the environment, and more, and publish articles related to the world federalist vision.

Some world federalists include Einstein, Freud, Walter Cronkite, Martin Luther King, Jr., Indira Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Dr. Lucile Green,  Jimmy Carter, Mikhail Gorbachev, the Dalai Lama, Bertrand Russel, and many others.
DWF Officers:
Dr. Roger Kotila, President  (415) 328-2341
Prof. Fritz Pointer, Vice President  (415) 279-9282

What is World Federalism?

World Federal Government (WFG)

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