Breaking World News
Roger Kotila
The undemocratic United Nations is unable to protect the Palestinians from Israeli Zionist mass murder unfortunately also supported by the U.S. Congress and the President. Gaza genocide is ongoing in full view. South Africa is asking the UN’s International Court of Justice (ICJ) to have Israel cease and desist. Israel will most likely ignore the ICJ — which will illustrate why the UN Charter is too flawed to get the job done.
We need a “new UN” equipped to deal with world crimes committed by leaders of rogue nations. The UN Charter needs to be reviewed and replaced by utilizing the Earth Constitution which provides a well designed World Judiciary System with Enforcement as well as a democratic World Parliament.
A world federalist colleague, Fritz Pointer, rejects the notion that Israeli Zionists have a sacred, God-given right to the Promised Land. He points out that The Torah (first 5 book in the Bible) “is not proof of a deed to historic Palestine”, nor “is it a real estate document thus making God (Yahweh) a real estate agent!”
Netanyahu and his generals (& possibly Biden) may eventually be found to be guilty of war crimes and genocide. However, in the current UN geopolitical system they will never go to jail, even if found guilty as charged. We need a new global system such as possible with the Earth Constitution. — R. Kotila, PhD, editor, DWF NEWS
Ray McGovern (former analyst with the CIA) … “Well, you can’t get elected in the United States if the Israel lobby puts its money for your opponent. … So, money is getting people elected. It’s getting people removed from Congress. Money is funding what remains of the mainstream media are heavily influenced by Zionism. And of course, if you go to our government, our president brags about being a Zionist. Does he know what that means? …
He’s got his head screwed on wrong on this, and it’s not going to be long before there’s a flare up in the Middle East, whether it’s in the Red Sea or whether it’s a false flag attack, blaming the Iranians … The other people who are in this frame of mind, Secretary Nuland, Sullivan, Blinken. They’re all Zionists, and they’re going to try to persuade Biden well, okay, you said you’d defend Israel.
You got to defend it against Iran. … What I fear is there will be a false flag attack blamed on Iran against the carrier that we have now still in the area, the USS Eisenhower. That would be blamed on Iran and the impulse will be okay, Joe Biden, you said that you’d support Israel for as long as it takes. Now, we’ve got to go in with ground troops. We got to go in real big and defend Israel because they’re entitled to their own state and blah, blah, blah. …
From Ray McGovern: “The Imprisonment of the Palestinian People Was Not an Act of God”
Norman Solomon (author, anti-war activist, ran for Congress): The vast majority of Congress members have refused to call for a ceasefire in Gaza during three months of slaughter by Israel’s military. Capitol Hill remains a friendly place for the Israeli government as it keeps receiving massive arms shipments courtesy of U.S. taxpayers. …
The impunity enjoyed by Israeli leaders is enabled by President Biden, who clearly does not want a ceasefire. The same can be said of the vast majority of Congress, with silences and equivocations if not outright zeal to voice support for the wholesale killing of civilians in the name of Israel’s “right to defend itself.” From Norman Solomon: “The Abject Failure of Nearly Every Member of Congress on Gaza”
Breaking World News
April 23, 2024
The Earth Constitution Could Transform
If both Russia and the US had not wielded Security Council vetoes in the last few years, the ugly wars in Ukraine and Gaza might never have happened. Anyone who has paid attention to such calamities knows that the UN Charter’s grant of the veto to the P5 powers (U.S., Russia, China, the UK, and France) is a mockery of the rule of law and democratic ideals.
In light of our current global governance dilemma, the World Constitution & Parliament Association/Earth Constitution Institute has recently adopted a two-track strategy to save the planet. Track 1 calls for a new world organization under the Earth Constitution that operates parallel to the United Nations. This grassroots strategy is necessary in the event that the UN is unwilling to transform itself into a democratic and law-abiding global organization.
2. Upon holding the comprehensive review, the UNGA may adopt structural changes to the charter by a two-thirds favorable vote; once again, the P5 can’t veto this outcome.
3. In the last step, the UN’s member states must ratify the adopted measures. At this stage, the P5 can potentially veto any decision made by the members. But many scholars believe that an exercise of the veto after such a lengthy process of the entire body of the UNGA would be unlikely. The great news is that the outcome of a review conference, once adopted and ratified, becomes binding on all member states.
The EC as Ideal Model for a “new UN”
Consider this possibility: If and when the charter review process gets underway, WCPA and ECI would be present at such a historic meeting. We would present our plan to merge the UN system with a genuine democratic world federal government operating under the authority of the Earth Constitution. We believe the EC is compelling enough that the UNGA may indeed use part, or all of it, as a guide, model, and authority for creating a “new UN.”
The San Francisco Promise
What is World Federalism?
Is an extension of a democratic federal government on a global level, and allows nations to keep their sovereignty. Learn More
Solving Global Problems
We live in a world dominated by global problems, but these problems cannot be solved on a national level–only as one can we solve them. Learn More
Paths to World Federation
There are several ways to achieve a world federal government and we work with other NGOs that focus on different paths to our goals. Learn More
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DWF News
LIST of Articles for DWF NEWS 3/5/25
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Roger Kotila, Ph.D

Fritz Pointer, M.A.

Bob Hanson, PH.D
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Earth Constitution
The Earth Constitution would be a living document created by a world federal government and would be the beginning of world law
Un Parliamentary Assembly
United Nations Parliamentary Assembly would transform the UN into a real governmental body which could enact world law